5by5: http://5by5.tv/
- Back to Work: http://5by5.tv/b2w
- Hypercritical: http://5by5.tv/hypercritical
- The Talk Show: http://5by5.tv/talkshow
- Build and Analyze: http://5by5.tv/buildanalyze
- The Dev Show: http://5by5.tv/devshow
- The Pipeline: http://5by5.tv/pipeline
- Briefly Awesome: http://5by5.tv/brieflyawesome
- On the Internet: http://5by5.tv/ontheinternet
TWiT Network: http://twit.tv/
- this WEEK in TECH: http://twit.tv/twit
- Mac Break Weekly: http://twit.tv/mbw
- this WEEK in GOOGLE: http://twit.tv/twig
- Tech News Today: http://twit.tv/tnt
This Week In...: http://thisweekin.com/
- This Week In StartUps: http://thisweekin.com/thisweekin-startups/
Other sources:
- The Ruby Show: http://rubyshow.com/
- This Developer's Life: http://thisdeveloperslife.com/
- Mac Power Users: http://macpowerusers.com/
- Herding Code: http://herdingcode.com/
- Hanselminutes: http://hanselminutes.com/
It's a lot of listening, good thing I have a dog that likes to go on walks...